We offer our experince at best in both platforms and products
Tamindir dedicated yourself to give their user best experience with discovery and learning the software with effective and creative ways
Tamindir.com – ‘Download & Technology Portal’
When it comes application download, Tamindir.com which started its business is the most prefered web site amoung poeple for years in Turkey market.In years it has become the biggest download website of Turkey.
Windows and Mac softwares for PC’s, mobile applications for tablets and smartphones are daily reviewed and rated by exprienced Tamindir.com content managers. The most important and popular contents are avaliable on website with sections like blog, news, video and photo gallery.
Tamindir.com which aims to respond to all needs of pc and mobile device users has 12 million downloads, 10 million unique visitors and 45 million page views monthly. 30% of visitors comes from mobile devices, which means Tamindir.com has 3 million unique mobile visitors monthly.
You can follow up Tamindir.com’s social pages:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tamindir
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tamindir
Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/+Tamindir
Youtube Video Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/tamindirtv

Tamindir Mobile
In order to support users from all devices, mobil device that launched until July 2013 to Jule 2014 increased mobile trafic volume about 80%. According to the results of IAB Turkey Internet Metrics Research, we take place among the top 30 website ranking in real users ranking and in mobile trafic we reach wide range of Internet users.As Tamindir.com that is only download platfrom for all devices, we always support our users in mobile platforms too.
With E-bulletin,users who are sign up for Tamindir E-bulletin reach the different contents of new, blog, video segments weekly and also reach the recommended application and games that is offered by E-bulletin.