
Tag Archive for: download trends 2015 Download Trends Has Published defines many statistics about the download habits of users’ on technological content, applications, games and software through the years. In 2015 the case has not changed. The data in this report gathered and analyzed by real time user visits, behaviours, interests by pointing the most downloaded games, applications, similar software and correlated articles in order to pursue Turkish software consumers’ intentions.

The report, which has been prepared for viewers consideration. Moreover the report tries to enlighten readers about Turkey’s user habits by downloading mobile applications, software and games on various particular segments.

Considering the differences of download ratios on different mobile platforms, Windows Phone users are having a higher ratio despite the popularity of their OS. On the other hand, the higher download rates of Android applications determine a vast majority of users and how they prefer to try new applications frequently.’s overall 2015 analysis on general downloading categories and habits can be easily viewed on the attached info-graphic.


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